Sunday 12 February 2012

Kids in the Kitchen

Whenever one of the chickens gets close to exemption age (Sienna is six in April), it seems to ignite a flurry of 'homeschool' like behavior in everyone. Text books and stationary has been purchased and we've pilfered the library of all it's readers. I know well enough to realise it won't last long, so bear it with quiet amusement. Madi and Kyla, well, Madi really, but she is hauling Kyla on the bandwagon, have developed a sudden interest in food preparation and got a number of recipe books out of the library. Madi and I tried out a noodle omelet type recipe on Roger, which he has become obsessed with and has almost everyday. The girls also cooked up some very yummy looking corn fritters, always a fave in this house. Apparently next they are whipping up some falafels for moi, can't wait!

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The Word Party

Loving words clutch crimson roses,
Rude words sniff and pick their noses,
Sly words come dressed as foxes,
Short words stand on cardboard boxes,
Common words tell jokes and gabble,
Complicated words play Scrabble,
Swear words stamp around and shout,
Hard words stare eachother out,
Foreign words look lost and shrug,
Careless words trip on the rug,
Long words slouch with stooping shoulders,
Code words carry secret folders,
Silly words flick rubber bands,
Hyphenated words hold hands,
Strong words show off, bending metal,
Sweet words call each other 'petal',
Small words yawn and suck their thumbs,
Till at last the morning comes,
Kind words give out farewell posies....
Snap! The dictionary closes.